Ball lifting during serve


nischay tibrewal
nischay tibrewal Asked 9 years ago

If a player does not lift the ball then it is declared as a Let or opponent gets a point or the player is given a warning (if warning then how many warnings)?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Nischay,

The umpire can decide whether to call a let the first time or just a fault.  Usually they will call a let and warn the player about what they are doing incorrectly.  If they do it the next time it will be a fault and a point to the other person.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Hitting the Ball on the Full

In this video we explain what happens when someone hits the ball before it bounces in a rally. This is also known as hitting the ball on the full. The point stop immediately when this happens but who's point is it? This depends on where the ball was hit. Watch the video to find out more.

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Thoughts on this question

nischay tibrewal

nischay tibrewal Posted 9 years ago

okay.thank you sir...

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