Improving Your Table Tennis Strokes

Improving Your Table Tennis Strokes


Elevate your game by refining technique, adding spin, and increasing consistency in your strokes.

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Tutorial Lessons

1 Top 3 Forehand Topspin Mistakes (and How to Fix Them for Good) Beginner 4:03
2 The Role of the Fingers in the Shakehand Grip Beginner 3:03
3 The Finish Position Beginner 1:29
4 The Hitting Zone: How Far From Your Body to Hit the Ball Beginner 3:00
5 Relaxation: The Secret to More Power Beginner 4:38
6 Changing Grip Between Backhand and Forehand Beginner 2:12
7 What Should Be Done With The Non-Playing Arm? Beginner 2:11
8 Penhold Grip Techniques Beginner 11:30
9 Anticipation Beginner 3:19
10 Slow to Fast Progression Beginner 1:47
11 Improving Your Reflexes Intermediate 4:36
12 When To Use Backhand or Forehand Intermediate 2:12
13 Switching Between Forehand and Backhand Intermediate 2:06
14 Improve Your Forehand by Transferring Your Weight Intermediate 5:01
15 Topspin Down the Line Intermediate 2:19
16 How You Can Generate a Brushing Contact on the Ball Intermediate 4:11
17 Use of Your Wrist Intermediate 3:58
18 The Push in Detail Intermediate 6:56
19 Push Variation Intermediate 1:32
20 Perfect Pushes Intermediate 3:15
21 Playing a Faster Forehand Topspin Advanced 2:14
22 Forehand Topspin Variations Advanced 3:55
23 Keeping The Ball Low With Opening Topspin Advanced 3:05
24 How to Take Your Topspin to the Next Level Advanced 2:51
25 Forehand Topspin away from the table Advanced 2:07
26 Forehand Topspin Angles and Swings Advanced 2:26
27 Topspin Against Various Spins and Lengths Advanced 2:24
28 Forehand Topspin Bat Angle Advanced 2:57
29 Timing your forehand Advanced 4:48
30 No Spin Loop Advanced 2:22
31 Increase the Power of Your Smash Advanced 2:35
32 Hitting a faster Backhand Advanced 1:06
33 Improving Backhand Topspin Advanced 1:21
34 Power Backhand Block Advanced 1:41
35 Deceptive Flick Advanced 2:14
36 Chop block Advanced 1:16
37 Countering a Chop Block Advanced 4:07