Show #286 - Improve Your Serve To Improve Your Game

7 years ago

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In this week's show we discuss the importance of the serve, and how to practice it. We also talk about the recent Australian Open, plus we answer some interesting questions that have been submitted recently. And don't forget to tell the joke of the week to all your friends. :)

On This Day - 0:35

12th of July Liam Pitchford's Birthday

7th of July Hina Hayata's Birthday

Joke of the Week - 2:35

Why didn't the dinosaur cross the road?

Tip of the Week - 3:29

Focus on your serve!

Drill of the Week - 4:20

Serving practice. How to practice and then moving after your service action.

Tournament Wrap - 8:22

We discuss the recent results from the Australian Open

How To See Through Fake Service Movements - 16:00

Ken: Yesterday, I encountered a person who served a ball with a lot of fake movements. How do you see through their fake movements?

How to Adjust to Different Venues - 18:03

Pasquale: I've noticed that when i play in tournaments that are in other places, the speed of the bounce of the ball changes due to the density of the air and the atmospheric pressure. For example: when i play where i live which is hot, the ball bounces fast and the brushing contact feels very normal. Probably due because i'm used to it, however whenever i travel to San Jose and play there which is cold, the bounce of the ball is slower and the brushing contact feels different.. Many people tell me this is normal and it is a matter to just get used to it. What is your advice to keep the same level of consistency for the same performance of game?

What are the Disadvantages of Playing Close to the Table? - 21:30

Marcin: What are the disadvantages of playing close to the Table? When I think of one, it might be that the elbow region is getting quite vulnerable and the ball is rarely hit in the optimal highest point of the arc (mostly while rising). Is that the main reason why attacking players go back? Also it's easier to go really low a step back from the Table. But the argument of having more time, is more of the defensive nature. Please give some more explanation why attacking players frequently step back.

Calling a Fault - 24:20

Roy: In a table tennis game with no umpire, if your opponent serves an illegal ball, say out of the hand, should you call a fault before giving the love one score?

Links in this Episode


Table Tennis Rules Overview

Service Rules Video