Why don't the top players forehand flick


Tam Eastwood
Tam Eastwood Asked 9 years ago

Hi Pingskills, why do the top players only backhand flick or touch serves that come to their forehand and not forehand flick?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Tam,

It is easier to use your wrist on the backhand.  On the forehand you can’t get under and around the ball like you can with the backhand.  That is why the banana flick has developed so much in the last few years.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 9 years ago

You do see a lot of forehand flicks from players like Ma Long, but maybe as a third or fourth ball rather than a second...perhaps because the ball needs to be a bit higher and a bit less spiny, which doesn't happen with pro players' serves very occurred often

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