Practicing forehand loops


dulguun ganbaatar
dulguun ganbaatar Asked 8 years ago

Hello alois, 

How can i practice my forehand loops if i do not have a table?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Dulguun,

You can use what we can "Shadow play".  You do the action of the stroke without the ball.  Stand in front of a mirror if you can and watch what your stroke looks like as well.

Then you can also use any table, it doesn't have to be a proper Table Tennis table to hit on if you have a partner or if you put it up against a wall you can hit it on there as well.

Take a look at our lesson on Practicing Alone for some more tips.

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Thoughts on this question

Fouad Hafnium

Fouad Hafnium Posted 8 years ago

You can do what I call a shadow multiball (it's less ridiculous than singing in the shower). That way you have to move around a lot in order to exercise your legs.

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