Hi Alois,
Thanks previously for answering my question.
I am stuck on one level in game dynamics, i.e playing against shake hand short pips and smooth rubber by flipping.
These kind of players play real close to the table, have exceptionally fast, long and spinny serves with quick wrist action for spins which are difficult to grasp for returning. They have very good counters, smashes and initial control over the ball, also these type of players flip fast short pips and fast smooth rubber sides smoothly to create a confusion and variation of spin.
Well I was able to figure out one weakness in this style of play is these guys cannot play much top spins, high spins or rallies.
My problem is I am not able to get to the point where I can make them play their weakness. Once I get into top spins these players cannot control those spins and give points. But this thing happens to me very few times and I lose and end up running from one end of the table to other.
Returning their service is equally tough. Moreover My service spins are not effective on short pips .
Any advice/suggestion/drills to gain a upperhand against this style would really help me in my game.
Hi Ninux,
I think you need to target the short pips. Use slower spin topspins to this side. This is a more difficult ball to handle for them. The faster you play the more they will like it.
It is difficult to lift heavy backspin balls with the short pips as well. So you could try serving backspin to this side. You can even serve long fast backspin there and force them to lift it. If they don't then you have an attacking opportunity. You have to be careful because they have inverted on the other side and can run around and make forehand topspins. However if they do this you need to be ready to block the ball wide to their forehand.
We have a lesson as part of our Match Strategy course on Playing Against Short Pimples.
Spin, speed and placement are the 3 things you need to focus on when coming up with your tactics against each of your opponents. Start with the serve and your third ball attack. Figure out what type of serve your opponent finds most difficult. Find out where is the best place to direct your first attack. Is your opponent better at blocking with their backhand or forehand? Does your opponent prefer a faster topspin or a slow spinny topspin? Do the same for your returns.
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Ninux Ad Posted 11 years ago
Hi Alois,
I tried to implement the strategy against playing with short pips and smooth rubber combo.
The strategy I implemented was pure backspin game and spinny forehand and back hand loops.
Short pips player missed most of his smashes , but again I lost the games but with 9-11 and 10-12 that was pretty respectable score. What I am talking is playing against player of USATT 2400. I have also earned respectable forehand loops and backhand loops over the years which makes me USATT 2200.
But I am somehow not getting an edge over short pips and smooth rubber combo aggressive playing style , I also play aggressive.
I am missing something which I am not able to understand ? Any help would e appreciated. But Alois your previous guidance is appreciated and came to my help and it worked.
Hi Ninux,
Well done on making those changes and improvements. Perhaps now you need to keep working on variation of spin and speed with your strokes.