Losing temper during matches

Table Tennis Mental Preparation

Last updated 10 years ago

Uditi Chavan

Uditi Chavan Asked 10 years ago

Hi sir,

I have a very high temper and during matches when i lose a point i get very angry and once when i was playing with the phantom player (i told you before) i lost a point i banged my racket.  Can you please tell me how can i control my temper? I know this is a very silly question but please help me.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Uditi,

This is something that is very important to overcome.  First, forget about trying to win or worrying about losing.  Focus first on how you are playing.  If you can do this you will soon start to see that this is more important in your development.  Everyone, even the very best players in the world,  lose matches and points so you need to get through this.

When you start to get the feeling of anger, take a few seconds, take a long deep breath and then move on to thinking about the tactics you need to win the next point, hopefully learning from how you lost the last point.

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Uditi Chavan

Uditi Chavan Posted 10 years ago

Thank you sir. I`ll definitely try to follow your advice.

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