Last updated 9 years ago
I am interested in using a robot to work on footwork skills and other basic training. I have a newgy but find it limited. I am interested in the ability to program a sequence of shots like I have experienced when training with professional coaches (which I don't have access to except when I go to a clinic or travel to a large city).
So my question is which is the best robot that you are aware of for training purposes? I have looked at ttmatic 505B, amicus and other programable robots on the web but there is really very little information on how well these programable robots perform.
Your advice is appreciated.
Hi Lance,
The only one of these that I have used in a limited fashion is the Oukei Training Robot. It does seem a step up from robots I have used in the dark ages.
I really am not an expert on these. If anyone out there has experience with using robots it would be appreciated.
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D K Posted 9 years ago
I have a similar problem:with robot (donic robopong 2040),I cannot train moving backwards and forwards,because I do not know how to set it to feet one short and one long ball.
Anyone able to help?