Hi coach,
I have a very basic problem. My backhand counterhit action is exactly as has been demonstrated by Jeff. But most of the players even the advanced ones have an action little different from mine. they dont really go up with their elbow and the forehand side is not always facing up. In my counterhit i always end up hitting the shots with some spin. Although in matches this is not a problem. But i wonder why my counterhit always has some spin. Since the players around me have a diff action they r unable to help.I have tried their action and while hitting the balls in their action i m able to hit the ball flat bt here i end playing wit just a little bit of topspin.Could u by any means tell me where i m going wrong... Another thing worth mentioning is that while playing the counterhit jeff has asked to keep the bat face vertical,mine is just a little slanted.. I can hit backhand topspins without any hassles
Hi Rajesh,
What you are doing is good. You can still put a little topspin on the shot. Each player has a slightly different style but this stroke that Jeff shows us is a good basic stroke that will be very reliable.
Jeff has the bat face vertical at the start but it does tilt forward slightly as he plays the shot.
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rajesh jha Posted 12 years ago
Thanks for the prompt response.In a rally if i get a ball thats a little to my left(i am a right handed player) what should i do to play a counterhit on the ball. I can hit counterhits only from in front of my stomach and very often moving to left to get into position is a little difficult. I usually end up playing a backhand shot which is very different from either the counterhits and topspins which i practice although the shot tht i play in such situations is not bad per se, bt if i could use my counterhits it wud have greater power n control. Plz help.
Hi Rajesh,
I would keep working on your movement to the left since that is what you are aiming to do. Do a footwork drill where your partner is placing the ball into two positions on the backhand, one in the standard position and one wider. This will get you used to the movement.