Show #157 - Correcting Errors

9 years ago

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This Day in History - 1:09

Robin Williams was born

What Happens When a Ball Breaks? - 2:25

Mark Taylor: What happens if a ball breaks during a rally? I recently lost 2 points in my pennant match after the ball broke.

Technique Tuesday - 5:47

Correcting Errors

Last #PQOTD - 7:34

What is the coldest temperature you have played Table Tennis in?

#PQOTD - 10:11

Who do you want to see win the Pan American Games?

Relax - 10:39

Mike D: Hi guys! When I try to loop a long ball with a lot of back spin, my arm tenses up. Many times I able to loop it over the net, winning points against various players. But when my arm is more relaxed, I have trouble looping the ball. How can I correct this?

What is a Punch Stroke? - 13:54

Noel: Hello Coaches: Is a punch a fast counter drive? Or is it more like a flick? BTW, I noticed my legs are getting stronger, and my strokes are more powerful. Trying to stay low! Premium videos helping alot. Thanks.

Sweat on Rubber - 16:32

Amr: Hi when I am training some drops of sweat get on rubbers and when I try to get rid of them with my hand rubbers became sweaty and the grip is removed because of sweat on rubbers how i solve this problem?

What To Do In a Competition - 18:34

Chee: My coach is going to make me have a competition with my team mates next month to get me ready for next year's competition.Can you give me some suggestions what to do when i start out in the competition?

Forehand Angle - 20:11

Ugo: When committing to a forehand loop return is it sufficient to keep the bat vertical when driving the ball from under the table with a brushing technique . If the opponent chops with heavy backspin, is it the power or the vertical swing and bat angle?

When Should I Play Tournaments - 23:18

Bennett: I have been playing seriously for about 6 months and I was wanting to know when I should go to a tournament. I'm not too worried about my rating and I am mostly doing it for the enjoyment of the game.

Help Learning the Reverse Pendulum Serve - 24:39

Hello, I am having problems with learning the reverse pendulum serve. I either just push the ball from underneath or I just do the motion but the serve doesn't go over the net. My racket has 11-12/12 spin and 12/12 speed with hard rubber.

Change Game For Smaller Areas - 26:12

Romeo: I am a player that likes to play forehands away from the table. I usually win against my opponents because of my spinny topspins. If I was required to play in small space should I start being a blocker or hitter just in case?

Time in Melbourne - 27:12

Chee: What is the time now in Melbourne? I am a bit of curious of the time difference between australia and Singapore.

Football - 27:31

Are you interested in football i mean soccer?

Losing Points in a Row - 29:25

So I won my first tournament! I really have you guys to thank for a lot of that. I noticed that I have trouble when my opponent gets a few points in a row. How could I simulate these situations in my training? Also, when should I back up from the table?

When to Smash - 31:04

Is it better to brush the ball heard on top of the table when its higher or hitting flat?

Links in this Episode

Correcting Errors

Table Tennis on Ice

Slow Spinny Topspin - for premium members

Counter a Slow Spinny Topspin

Forehand Topspin Against Backspin

Reverse Pendulum Serve - for premium members

Smash or Topspin High Ball with Backspin - for premium members