Training places in Qatar


Hamza Imam
Hamza Imam Asked 8 years ago

Hello, I live in Qatar, Doha and was wondering if there was any place to train table tennis here in Doha. If you any place in mind, please let me know.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Hamza,

I hope some of our readers will be able to help you.

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Banana Flick

The banana flick has become one of the most important returns in table tennis. It allows you to attack almost any short ball and places your opponent under immediate pressure. Still it is a difficult stroke that takes a lot of practice to master.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 8 years ago

Considering Qatar Open is played in Doha, I think your odds are pretty good.

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