Hi Coach,
I am thinking of buying a Dr neuberg bulldog Blade + Andro Rasant rubber forehand + Mark V rubber backhand
I am an intermediate player with all round game (offensive + defensive).
Can you please provide me a small review on the racket i am choosing. this will be my first customized racket.
Thanks in advance
Hi Parag,
That is all good equipment. What are you using at the moment?
It may be a big step up depending on what you are currently used to.
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parag rughani chandrakant rughani Posted 7 years ago
Hi Alois,
Thanks for the quick response.
I was using a pre-made Stag Ninja Fire racket. after advise from my coach i changed to a customised racket with the above configuration, And it's working preety fine for me.
Thanks so very much for answering all the queries. I really appreciate your efforts towards helping all the TT players.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago
No problems at all Parag.