Shoulder Falling away while hitting the forehand top spin


Soumyajit Das
Soumyajit Das Asked 9 years ago

Hi Jeff, Alois,

Firstly thanks for the wonderful videos and explanation.

Whenever I am trying to hit a fast forehand top spin or a forehand smash, my left shoulder falls down. Then I either hit the ball on to the net or try to push it further and miss the table. What can I do to make sure that my left shoulder does not fall away?

I am a right handed player ofcourse :)

Hoping for your tip soon.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Soumyajit,

Try to practice the movement of rotating you body through your waist. A lot of players do tip like a teapot rather than rotate.

You can practice this without the ball to start with.  Get into a position with bent knees and a wide stance, like your ready position and then rotate.  Then as you get the feeling of the rotation, you can start to ad your forehand swing in.  Give this a try and see what happens.

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