Short pips


Dayton Wills
Dayton Wills Asked 1 year ago

I play better with short pips on my bh but my coach refuses me to use them should i move club or have a word with him about it because i want to use sp but he wont let me

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 1 year ago

Hi Dayton,

That's a difficult question. I can understand why your coach may not be so keen to have you use short pips, as they can take some getting used to and require a lot of practice and skill to master them. However, I would personally suggest that you have a discussion with your coach and explain why you feel short pips would be beneficial for your game. If your coach is unwilling to allow you to use them, then perhaps you should explore other options and look for a coach who will support your decision. Regardless of the outcome, remember to practice, stay positive, and have fun with the sport.

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