Last updated 8 years ago
I've decided to try out short pips on the forehand for a bit, so far I'm really liking it. However, effective service requires my inverted BH side, and my most practiced serves (tomahawk/heavy backspin) are forehand. Is it better to learn and practice backhand serves or add a twiddle to my forehand serves?
Hi Mark,
I would try to add a twiddle so that you can get the benefits of your forehand serves and still use the pimples on that side after the serve.
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parkash rawat Posted 8 years ago
Oddly, i am serving better (both in terms of placement and spin) with SP than I used to do with inverted a week ago. The reason I could deduce is that my sweaty palm and fingers would slip a lot on inverted rubber (both sides inverted) but they grip very well on to by LP BH rubber when I serve with SP (on my FH).
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago
Interesting. Potentially though the inverted rubber will have the ability to generate more spin.
parkash rawat Posted 8 years ago
that is true Alois..that is true.....but damn my sweaty hands