Hi, guys. I must say that I have found your videos inspiring and educational. The way you explain the basic principles of the game is pure 10+. I have a question about returning short and long topspin serve. When my opponent is serving that particular service, I am trying to do "chicken wing" technique like Timo Boll on forehand, but I usually fail. It is even worse on backhand, because I am trying to hit top of the ball, and the ball goes over the table quite often, and sometimes in the net. Can you help me with this.
Hi Sasha,
Thanks for the kind words about our videos. I'm not entirely sure what the chicken wing technique is. If your opponent serves short with topspin, I would recommend trying the Forehand Flick. If the ball comes long then you should try and play the Forehand Topspin Against Block.
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Sasha Savic Posted 12 years ago
The chicken wing technique is, as far as I understand, topspin shot used by Timo Boll. Some people call it forehand loop drive. His racket angle is very closed, so he could hit the top of the ball. That angle is about 45 degrees, even more closed. He doesn't have too much swing, he simply closes the racket and hits the top of the ball. I have watched your videos about forehand flick and forehand topspin against block, sometimes it works with me. I am mostly concerned about my racket angle and my wrist, because most of my balls go over the table. I have Tibhar Samsonov Alpha as blade, and Tibhar Rapid rubbers on FH and BH.
Hi Sasha,
The technique Boll uses works well for him because he has trained so many hours and is able to get the correct contact on the ball with this stroke. For the mere mortals amongst us I recommend a more open face of the racket so that the ball is seeing more of the racket and therefore you will get greater consistency with it. That is why we show you the strokes the way we do in our lessons.