Last updated 9 years ago
I've recently played some players capable of executing sidespin topspin attacks. I've almost never played players that can execute this stroke well, so I had lots of trouble returning this stroke.
Most of the times I would entirely miss the ball, or just hit the ball out.
Any tips on returning a sidespin topspin attack would help!
Hi JOhnny,
You have to watch the ball really carefully first. Then adjust your racket for the spin on the ball. by turning your wrist slightly one way or the other.
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Jared Peterson Posted 9 years ago
I definantly understand where you are coming from as i definantly used to have this problem. As Alois said the real key is to keep a real close eye on the ball but i also find taking the ball early is a good strategy not to miss the ball because it doesnt allow the ball the time to curve that it needs.
Johnny Long Posted 9 years ago
I see. Thanks for the help Alois and Jared.