Hi Jeff and Alois,
a very happy new year to both of you.
i was playing vs. one of the opponents who was really spinning the ball sideways- a lot of side spin.
i found that it was easier to return the serves when i was playing with the spin.
e.g. i am right handed so if a right handed player serves a normal sidespin pendulum serve to me and a long serve, it will move from right to left when i am receiving, i found it very difficult to topspin it with my backhand coz i thought i was playing against the spin. i found it easier to return it by pivoting and taking it with my forehand and topspin it back coz i am playing with the spin, but doing that is really difficult especially slow serves that are long and one has to receive it from below the table.
How can you do that? i hope i have been able to explain what i want to.
Thanks a lot. Would love to clarify if needed.
Hi Manish,
Some players like the ball coming into them and some like it moving away from them. It sounds like you like the ball coming into you on the forehand. Try getting the feel of hitting the ball swinging away on the backhand. You could try hitting the ball a little earlier so it doesn't get too wide. It is just a matter of doing it often and getting the feel of it.
This can be difficult to start with but persevere with it. It is too difficult to hit that ball with your forehand all the time.
Watch the video response to this question titled Playing with the Spin.
In doubles you are standing in a different position and the ball is coming to you at a different angle than it would in singles. We show you how to adjust and make an effective return in doubles.
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Shaji Alavi Posted 13 years ago
Hi Coach,
As you have told we should angle our racquet in the opposite direction of the sidespin serve, especially while pushing it back. but while using backhand counterhit or backhand topspin as shown by Jeff, do we still need to angle the racquet to the opposite side or the angle is automatically tilted as while playing backhand shots we have to face in the direction where we want to place the ball? Can we stand square on to the table and hit the backhand topspin down the line to the wide forehand corner?
I have noticed that most of the players are a little late in reacting or it is difficult to reach to the wider forehand shots after the pendulum sidespin serve, so i think hitting a topspin or pushing it to that part of the table would give me more time for the next ball. What say coach?
Christian , Posted 13 years ago
What do you think about playing a sidespin with the backand around the net ?
Is it possible ?
rajesh jha Posted 13 years ago
Coach while topspinning the ball most of the sidespin is negated bt wat abt the bat angle while i try to use a backhand counerhit to return d ball.
M V Posted 12 years ago
i must say, hitting a backhand topspin is one thing, hitting a backhand topspin that looks as good as yours is another thing, i really admire picture perfect technique something a player can only aspire to inculcate in his game, thanks a lot, and again, that backhand topspin looks absolutely awesome and flawless...
kathy mckelvey Posted 8 years ago
Playing doubles would be at a different angle since the sidespin ball is coming to my right side. would I have to always use my forehand to keep the ball on the table? thank you both!!
Ali Ali Hassan Posted 8 years ago
Hi Aloi
My opponent was serving very short side spin at the near corner of the net.
please help me about this