Ok with friends but bad in tounaments

Table Tennis Mental Preparation

Last updated 7 years ago

Carl Greywacz

Carl Greywacz Asked 8 years ago

Hi my name is Carl, I've been playing table tennis fairly consistently for about a year and I'm in love with the sport. I seem to play fairly well against friends however when I get in a tournament setting I seem to fall to pieces. Is there something I can do to conquer this problem?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Carl,

It is great that you are enjoying the sport so much.  It is a fantastic sport.

The main thing that will be happening is that you are becoming a little more anxious when you are playing in a tournament.

Take a look at our section on Sports Psychology to start with, in particular the lesson on how to Recognise Your Feelings.  I think this will give you a good start.

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Thoughts on this question

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 8 years ago

If I may, there's also the fact that playing people you know very well and playing total strangers is quite different. Against people you know well, you can almost play on "autopilot", you know their serves, you know how they will react most of the times in given situations... Against new players, especially in today's short matches of 3 sets to 11 points, being able to analyse your opponent and adjust quickly is critical. Some have better abilities in this area than others, but for everyone it requires experience. So don't get discouraged and play against as many different people as often as possible.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Good thoughts Jean.

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