Meanings Of Wide, Extreme, middle


Oscar Moe Myint
Oscar Moe Myint Asked 9 years ago

Dear Sir ,

What are the meanings of Wide forehand, Extreme forehand ,Middle forehand , Middle , Wide backhand , Extreme backhand , Middle backhand ? From which are they measuring?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Oscar,

They are terms related to positioning on the table.  Extreme means very wide.  Middle is close to the crossover point which might not be the middle of the table.

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Playing a Faster Forehand Topspin

Now that you have the forehand topspin going well, it is time to get some more speed on it.

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Thoughts on this question

Oscar Moe Myint

Oscar Moe Myint Posted 9 years ago

thanks, Sir.


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