How to Deal With a No Bounce Return

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 6 years ago

Arka Bose

Arka Bose Asked 6 years ago

I just recently encountered a player who plays an awkward backhand stroke resulting in a very fast return with almost no bounce, like the ball drops in my side of the table and goes almost parallel to the table with very little bounce, I can't figure out how to return such kind of return. Most of the time I try to just lift the ball which results in a very bad stroke or hits the net, I've also tried topspin but it never works, How can I effectively return such a ball?

Thanks in advance


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Arka,

The ball may feel like it is not bouncing but it is probably just bouncing a little lower than you are expecting.  Watch the ball carefully when he hits it.  If the ball comes over the net then it is going to bounce a reasonable height.

Don't try to do too much with it if it is bouncing low.  Just work on blocking the ball back to a good position or low as well.

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