Holding racket like wang hao


Nikhil Bathla
Nikhil Bathla Asked 12 years ago


I tried to hold the racket like wang hao but I am not able to do so is there any secret of that grip.


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Nikhil,

Not that I know of.  Maybe other readers can help.

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Thoughts on this question

Kevin Long

Kevin Long Posted 12 years ago

Hi Nikhil,

If you take a look at Wang Hao's grip closely, you'll notice his middle finger is actually bent sideways at the end knuckle. This is from his years and years of playing with his RPB dominant grip. It's a particularly hard grip to copy because of it, as the pressure on the knuckle is very great. His fingers are also not totally straight out which can push his fingertips into the rubber a little.

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