Hitting the ball early on BH strokes


Ali Zarei
Ali Zarei Asked 9 years ago

Hi alois . first of all sorry for my bad english

I'm a semi pro player but I have a really bad, big, and irritating problem on my BH and its that when I want to play BH counter hit or topspins I contact the ball so early that it doesn't have any accuracy and most of the balls go into the net or out of the table.

My coach told me this too, but I always forget this.  This results me not to watch the ball till the very last moment. What can i do?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Ali,

Practice your backhand slowly.  While doing this remind yourself to wait for the ball to come to you rather than going out to meet it.  Think of the position that you want to hit the ball from.  This should be in a place where you would normally do a two handed catch of the ball.

It may take a little time to get rid of the reaching out, but it will be worthwhile.  You will find you will be able to do a lot more from that position.

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Thoughts on this question

Ali Zarei

Ali Zarei Posted 9 years ago

THANKS ALOIS AND JEFF i will try that tommorow thanks a lot again!!!And that ask the coack show was great!!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Ali.

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