Help me with a left hander

Table Tennis Match Strategy

Last updated 11 years ago

Ali Zarei

Ali Zarei Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have never practices with left handers. I played a lefty last week who has very strong forehand and he did a lot of flat fast hits but his backhand is weak and he just pushes with his backhand. I also have a weak backhand topspin.But really good on forehands.

Next week I may play him in a tournament a I need some advice from you. Thanks.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Ali,

YOu want the game to be played a lot on the diagonal with your forehand and his backhand.

Try to serve long and fast to his backhand side.  This will force him to play either a weak push or to try and attack with his backhand.  He will also have a natural angle over to your forehand which is his preferred side.

When returning you can try to push the ball long or flick to his backhand side for the same reasons.

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Ali Zarei

Ali Zarei Posted 11 years ago

THANKS ALOIS!!!!! Beated him really hard!!!!!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Well done!

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