dragging the ball


gian crispino
gian crispino Asked 14 years ago


is it legal to drag the ball? ie the contact time of the ball and ur bat is, say 1.5 sec.

another question: when can you loop your opponents return? i always tend to loop every return

thanks very much..Gian 

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Gian,

Firstly you are not allowed to carry the ball.  It has to be struck cleanly.

It is great if you can loop every return.  Every serve that only bounces once on your side of the table should be looped.  Sounds like you are doing a good job.

Recommended Video

Judging the Length of a Serve

A really important skill in table tennis is to be able to judge if a serve will be short or long. If it's short you won't be able to take a full swing at the ball and hence will need to use either a push or a flick to return the ball. However, if it is coming long then you can make a topspin attack. In this video we give you some tips to help you judge the length of the serve and hopefully this makes you a better returner.

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Thoughts on this question

gian crispino

gian crispino Posted 14 years ago

thanks sir!

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