Confused About Words for Strokes


Ali Naderi
Ali Naderi Asked 2 weeks ago

Hi my dear teachers, Mr. Plumb and Mr. Rosario:

I had a big problem while learning strokes in table tennis, and that is the names of strokes. I saw your movie about the difference about the meaning of loop and topspin, but that didn't help me enough.

I read some articles in addition to your useful and great tutorials and blog, so I faced to some strange and complicated words which make me confused! 

That words belongs to some strokes. That words are : forehand/backhand drive counterhit, forehand/backhand loop, forehand/backhand drive loop, forehand/backhand counter spin, and forehand/backhand counter loop.

I'm sure that you've explained these words in the tutorials but I don't know in which titles. 

I want you to introduce me these strokes and tell me that titles.

thank you very much.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 2 weeks ago

Hi Ali,

Thank you for reaching out with your questions. I understand that the terminology in table tennis can sometimes be a bit confusing, especially with the variety of strokes and styles present in the game. I'll do my best to clarify these terms for you.

1. Forehand/Backhand Counterhit or Drive are interchangeable: This stroke is a basic offensive shot played with a flat swing with a little bit of topspin that is played from close to the table. You can find this explained in our tutorials under Basic Strokes or Forehand Counterhit or  Backhand Counterhit

2. Forehand/Backhand Loop or Drive Loop are interchangeable: The loop is an advanced stroke that generates a lot of topspin. The aim is to brush up against the ball with a fast, upward and forward motion. The forehand loop is often considered one of the most crucial attacking strokes in modern table tennis. This is played against a backspin ball.  Look for this under Forehand Topspin Off backspin and Backhand Topspin Off Backspin

3. Forehand/Backhand Counter Spin and Counter Loop are interchangeable: This term generally refers to a stroke used to counteract an opponent's topspin. It usually involves reading the spin and adjusting your racket angle and stroke to neutralise or return the spin effectively. This can be found in tutorials about Forehand Topspin to topspin or Backhand Topspin to Topspin.  

Feel free to revisit our tutorials on these topics to see these strokes demonstrated and explained in detail. If you have any more questions or need further explanations, don't hesitate to ask.

Recommended Video

Forehand Topspin Against Block

Learning to play the forehand topspin (also known as the forehand loop) in table tennis is one of the biggest steps forward you can take with your game. The topspin will cause the ball to dip down allowing you to hit the ball harder yet still maintaining consistency.

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Thoughts on this question

Rick August

Rick August Posted 2 weeks ago

I also find that some people call a short stroke, a drive or a counterhit.  To me, these look more like blocks.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 2 weeks ago

Yes that is true Rick. There are so many perspectives on strokes. We discuss this question in our latest podcast which will be out soon.

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