About the wood and rubber


Charles Uche
Charles Uche Asked 13 years ago

Hi coach. I want to know the best wood that will match my rubber(inovo stiga) and i want to know if blade and wood are the same thing.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

HI Charles,

Firstly, yes the blade and wood are just different terms.

Everyone is different as to preferences to which blade is good for them.

I don;t think the blade is as crucial a factor as the rubber.  Just get something that feels right for you.  Also look to get something that suits you in speed.  They will have a rating of speed.  If you like to hit the ball fast then choose something a little faster.  If you like to control the ball then choose something a little slower.

However don't get anything too fast.

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