Show #151 - Applying Training to Matches

9 years ago

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Diversity in Table Tennis - 1:17

We discuss the Pacific Games & World Uni Games

Last #PQOTD - 3:05

Who will win the Olympic Games next year?

#PQOTD - 4:37

Are there any lessons you have learned from Wimbledon that are relevant to Table Tennis?

Movement Before Receiving - 5:51

Mike: Hi guys! When a person waits to receive a serve in tennis, some shuffle their feet, in table tennis, most stay firmly planted till the ball is served. Is standing still a good technique to or moving around a bit before the ball is served?

Wrestling - 7:59

Brock: Do you think that you two would be great wrestlers? ;)

Pendulum Serve Weight Transfer - 8:29

Frendy: I watched a video of Ma Long doing the pendulum serve. He said that he used his body transfer to do the serve. He focus on the Center Gravity with his left leg following with his body doing a slight thrust after the action. What do you think?

Playing Timo Boll - 10:48

Jared: Jeff, I saw that you played Timo Boll in the 2000 olympics and i was wondering what was it like to play him? He is my absolute favorite player in the world with such an amazing and technical game that is so entertaining to watch.

Celluloid Balls Ban - 12:46

Pasquale: Hi Alois, im in a training camp in canada for 2 weeks 4 times a day, we only use plastic balls, the coach says celluloid balls will not exist pretty soon, is this true?

This Day in History - 14:35

Live Aid happened on this day in history in 1985!

Applying Training to Matches - 15:51

Carl: I’m told by my coaches that I need to link my training to my matches and apply everything I learn. This makes me confused because obviously if I train on my forehand topspin, it's simply going to be better in matches, so what does it actually mean?

Links in this Episode

World University Games

2015 Pacific Games

Match Routine Drills - for premium members