Trimming a J-Pen blade

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 11 years ago

eduardo espinosa

eduardo espinosa Asked 11 years ago

Dear friends Jeff and Alois (or anyone who happens to know): is there a "best" way to trim the handle of your j-pen blade?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Eduardo,

I will put it out for others to give you some help.

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Thoughts on this question

Eric Barone

Eric Barone Posted 11 years ago

I'm not quite sure what you mean by trim; are you talking about softening the edge to the right of the cork block where the side of your pointer finger first makes contact with the blade? If so, I would imagine the best way to go about it is using a metal file and some sandpaper, however my blade fits my hand comfortably as-is so I've never actually done this.

eduardo espinosa

eduardo espinosa Posted 11 years ago

Yes, Eric, that's what I mean. I have seen professional player's blades trimmed that way, not just a little, but a lot. That's to ensure a closed angle when hitting forehands. But I also trim the square edges of the handle where it bears between the thumb and the forefinger so the blade can roll smoothly (about 90 deg.) from f/h to b/h. Be very careful if you do this. A blade can be ruined extremely fast if it's cut to much! I am sure that other j-pen players have their own trimming in order to best adapt the blade to their particular styles.

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