Pain while using backhand

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 11 years ago

Abhiram Reddy

Abhiram Reddy Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois.

Nowadays , I am working on developing a more powerful and aggressive backhand so unlike the counter-hit , I am allowing the arm to go to a wider and longer finish position.Also I am starting the swing behind the body for more power.The problem is with the area on my arm that joins with my back(right behind the armpit) throbs and hurts sometimes on using the comparatively extended finish position.Is there something wrong with my technique(the stroke feels right to me) or is it only a matter of time before it doesn't hurt and i get used to it?Please advise me on how to deal with this.

Thanks a lot.


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Abhiram,

Pain isn't a good thing.  It is usually a warning.  You should be careful if it is hurting.  Try to relax your stroke and your arm especially where the arm is hurting.

You need to change something so that the arm doesn't hurt when you swing.

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