
Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 12 years ago

Shripathi ramakrishnan

Shripathi ramakrishnan Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

As a last defence to try and save a point (desparately), i use chopping. but i really dont have that much success as i would in lobbing! whenever my opponent would just play a topspin (spinny and somewhat fast) and i chop, it lands on the table with tremendous backspin (this i can make out cuz it stops/slows down considerably) but gets tossed about shoulder high. players with the experience put it away easily . How can i keep it low? Is it a mattter of imparting more (or even less) backspin or is it something else?

Thank you very much!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Shripathi,

Try getting the swing more vertical so that the ball goes lower.  Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Chop where you will get more hints on this topic.

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