Blocking a smash close to the table.

Table Tennis Match Strategy

Last updated 7 years ago

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Asked 7 years ago

hey, i have some problems about returning a smash because i play in the basement and there is not much room so could you teach me how to return it close to the table

Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

Your best option is to stop your opponent from smashing in the first place by keeping the ball low. If they do hit the ball faster and you are close to the table your best option is to try and block the ball.

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Thoughts on this question

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

What angle if the bat is best to with both backhand and forehand and does the verted or inverted rubber effect on the block


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

Have a vertical bat at the start of the stroke to give you the best chance to hit the ball.  With pimples you can open up the angle slightly more.

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

Sorry to say but I do not know about pimples.

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

Alois,how can I do a topspin against a chop because whenever I try fast topspin or pure topspin It's backspin makes the ball drag down to the net and does the racket matter in the game if yes then in what strokes does it matter and how much does it matter in the game.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

Take a look through our Strokes and Techniques section.  In there you will find a video on the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.

It is good to have a racket that has some grip to be able to make this stroke.  Take a look at our video on Choosing a Table Tennis Bat.



muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

 Alois,how do I generate pure topspin with backhand like you told us to do with the forehand in forehand topspin off backspin.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Take a look through tat whole section.  You will find the video on Backhand Topspin Off Backspin there as well.

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

 I was thinking at what stage should I make my own custom bat.What should be it's characteristics like weight,rubber,blade and grip.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

Take a look at this video. Choosing a Table Tennis Bat


muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

How can I counter a sidespin serve I tried different ways but failed now I only can return it where the opponent wants it and play safe.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

I think it would be good for you to look through our whole Tutorials section.  In there you will find a whole lot of information about you are looking for.

On this occasion you will find the Introduction to Receiving useful.


muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

I am not a premium member because that requires money,and why don't you make videos of the questions we ask you instead you just reply a text which is very useful but I understand it more from the videos so could you start making videos of our questions please.

Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

We'd love to make a video for every question we get asked but we simply don't have the time. We have been asked over 10,000 questions on the site! We do however make a lot of video responses to questions and you can find them in the tutorials section. A lot of the time they will be under a FAQ section.

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

What is the meaning of caught out in table tennis because I was watching a table tennis match and the commentators kept on saying caught out on good points.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

This means that they were able to trick them or beat them with a shot.

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

Can you do me a favor,could you play a set of matches seriously with Jeff just so I could observe it and it may help me in the future.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

One day... This is not something that we plan on int he near future though...

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

I will tell you a site name please check it and tell me how to do it with the shake hand grip.

SITE [TT]learn penhold long pips Zhou Xin Tong makes opponent so frustrated by asiandrum.plz

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

Because it slides from my racket to the table nomatter what racket angle I use.


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