Why coaches call timeouts when trailing by 3 points

Table Tennis Discussion

Last updated 3 years ago

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Asked 3 years ago

I noticed in the school tournament that coaches normally call the timeout when they are trailing by 3 points like 4-7 or 5-8. And these timeouts just don't seem to work in the set. There was once where my team's doubles pair was losing the second set 0-6 then my coach suddenly called timeout. So why are coaches calling timeouts at these situations? 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Jasper,

This is a curious thing.  It is generally considered a position where things are becoming desperate and need for intervention.

If you notice the Chinese coaches tend to call then earlier in a match often at a crucial stage of a game when things are close.

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