When should the blade be changed

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 10 years ago

Jeremy Goh

Jeremy Goh Asked 10 years ago

Rubbers don't last very long. They wear out after a year or so and the spin and speed of the ball greatly reduces. However, I always has a question in mind: How about the bat? They do not seem to lose its optimum state even after several years. Besides cracks and damages to it, about how long does a bat last?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Jeremy,

They can last many years.  I had one for 20 years.  I wouldn't have used it at the end if I was playing competitively but it is still good to play with.

They do tend to get chipped around the edges but apart from that they will become a little slower and softer.

The other reason you may want to change is that the blade is too slow for your developing game.

Apart from that there is no real need to change blades so save your money for other things.

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