Topspin difficulties

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 16 years ago

Lee Unknown

Lee Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi Ping Skills,

I'm having trouble on both sides with topspin. Using my shakehand grip, I can push the ball well on both sides. I've got a good forehand counterhit, but I have trouble on both backhand and forehand generating consistent topspin. My forehand loops are great when they work, but they often hit the rim of the paddle or they go flat and long. On my backhand, my shots will always be flat, or they'll fly long when I try and brush up quickly on them. Any tips to solve these problems?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Lee,

Concentrate on technique.

On the forehand you are probably swinging too low with your follow through.  Make sure initially you are finishing with your bat above eye level.  This will eliminate a lot of the top edges.

On the backhand it sounds to me like you may be swinging too high on the follow through and lifting the ball long when you are brushing up quickly.  Try brushing through a little more forward on that one.

Give it a try and see if these help. 

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