Returning Fast Topspins

Table Tennis General

Last updated 14 years ago

nicola Unknown

nicola Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Sorry coach, I am not able to hit the ball against the top spin. I can't see the ball because it's too fast!! Maybe I have to move away the table?? Can you help me?

Another thing...How can I learn to play the top spin? I try lots of time to do this shot...Can you suggest me how to do??

Thank you so much

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Nicola,

If the ball is moving too fast try a couple of things.

The first is to move a little further away from the table to give yourself more time to see the ball.

The second is to work on your short game.  Your pushing and return of serve to make sure your opponent doesn't get an opportunity to play a fast topspin. This point is critical to improving your game.  As you move to higher ranks you will find that it is more and more difficult to cope with the topspins of players as they become very fast.  The best players in the world work a lot on keeping the ball short in the erly part of the rally to gain the advantage of the first attack.

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