Recommended brand of bat

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 13 years ago

siew yan Unknown

siew yan Unknown Asked 14 years ago


  I'm still a beginner for table tennis and I am still not sure what brand of bat is suitable for me.

  Can you recommend the brands of bat that is suitable for me as a beginner?


Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Siew Yan,

There are lots of good Table Tennis brands. Some well known ones include Stiga, Butterfly, Yasaka, Donic and there are lots more.

For beginners we recommend a a pre-made bat initially and once you have developed your strokes and consistency you can upgrade to something a bit faster and try a custom bat.

The key for beginners is to start with a bat that is not too fast. You want to be able to develop your consistency. If you start with a really fast bat you won't be able to control the ball and may get discouraged. The other important thing to watch for is the rubbers. You need quality rubbers so that you will be able to generate spin which is critical for improving your Table Tennis. As I mentioned before we have some bats which we recommend but there are literally hundreds of good choices out there. 

We are currently looking into developing a range of PingSkills bats. We thought we would create 1 bat especially for beginners and 1 blade combined with 2 different combinations of rubbers for more experienced players. 

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