pendulum serve

Table Tennis General

Last updated 14 years ago

yiejian chee

yiejian chee Asked 14 years ago

hi, what is the differences of the pendulum service and the forehand sidespin serve like the one most of the players uses?


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Yiejian,

The Pendulum serve is a sidespin serve, just a particular type of sidespin serve. 

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Thoughts on this question

Jo Boermans

Jo Boermans Posted 14 years ago

Is there a particular side for this serve ?

I play with my right hand, and always serve on the right side of the table.

So when i do a sidespin, i curve the ball to the left (so it's go aways from the table) like the sidespin forehand topspin. 

Jo Boermans

Jo Boermans Posted 14 years ago

Is there a particular side for this serve ?

I play with my right hand, and always serve on the right side of the table.

So when i do a sidespin, i curve the ball to the left (so it's go aways from the table) like the sidespin forehand topspin. 

Leslie Unknown

Leslie Unknown Posted 14 years ago

If you're right handed and executing the pendulum serve, you should preferably be serving on the left hand side of the table. The reason for this is that your stance should be on the left hand side of the table which means that the transition from serving to your ready position is almost immediate. It is much easier to hit wider balls off your forehand than your backhand. Serving from where you are, if the opponent gets it back to your backhand corner then you'll find it difficult to remain in the point.

I might be wrong but are you sure you're not serving the tomahawk? If that's the case than serving from the centre or a little bit to the right is better. 

Jo Boermans

Jo Boermans Posted 14 years ago

it's not like the tomahaw serve. when i do it, it has an opposite spin (i hit the ball in the right side, and spin it to the left.

 maybe you had seen the video of the sidespin forehand topspin. (one of the last videos of the gold level), well i do it like that (with the right hand). Sorry if you don't understand, i'm from belgium ;)

but maybe i must take a video of it. I like to serve like that, but I never had lessons or any formation of ping pong, and i'm one of the bests of the club, so i don't know if it's a legal serve or not. 

Jo Boermans

Jo Boermans Posted 14 years ago

I found one of your videos on youtube, and there, you show the reverse pendulum serve. So is that good to start it on the right corner ?

(and have a handshake grip not a penhold like in the video) 

Leslie Unknown

Leslie Unknown Posted 14 years ago

If you're right handed and serving the reverse pendulum it's better to serve from the left side of the table. It's much easier to make the transition to initiate the 3rd ball attack or even retrieving it. Also like I said before, if your opponent returns it to your backhand corner, you'll always be out of position from the start of the point. 

 If you can manage to watch some videos of the pros playing, you'll see that for the right handers that serve the pendulum or reverse pendulum, they serve it from the lefthand side and see how easy it is for them to attack any high balls. 

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