New Rubbers

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 6 years ago

Phil Cashmore

Phil Cashmore Asked 7 years ago

Hi there,

I have just finished my second season in the local leagues in Liverpool, playing in the lowest of 5 divisions (lot of elderly gentlemen but plenty of good players too) after starting to play table tennis in 2015. In my first season I had an average of 18% win rate and in my second season, playing at a higher ranking within my team against better opposition I finished on 50%. I used a very cheap pre-made bat in my first season and changed to a Palio Master 2 in my second season which I really like and still have. 

I have noticed a massive improvement in the last 6 months as I have been regularly training 3-4 times per week. However, the time has come to get new rubbers. I am unsure of which to go for. I don't want ones that I won't be able to control. I like to play an attacking game but also like to block on both sides. I have a good backhand counter-hit. 

I've been looking at the Andro Rasant, Yasaka Mark V and the HPS version and the Butterfly Sriver L.

Any recommendations?

Kind regards,


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Phil,

Well done on making those improvements in your game.

I can recommend the Mark V or Sriver rubbers.  These are good rubbers to move to the next level and won't be too fast.

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Phil Cashmore

Phil Cashmore Posted 6 years ago

Thanks Alois,

I've gone for the Sriver L at 2.1 for my forehand and then Mark V in 2.0 for my backhand. 

Thanks for the tip. I'm looking forward to sticking them on my Palio. 



Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

That should be good for you.

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