How to win matches against chopping players

Table Tennis Match Strategy

Last updated 6 years ago

Francis Ho

Francis Ho Asked 6 years ago

hi Alois, hope you are well.

i played againist a team of chopping players during this week's pennant and won one match and lost two. 

I won the first match by doing top spins returns all the time and exhausted myself and lost a bit of concentration against the other two chopping players subsequently.

Tactically, what should i do to win the matches again this type of players ?



Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Francis,

Tactically what you did in the first match is the way to play.  I guess if you run out of energy then it is a matter of waiting for one ball to play strongly.  This would mean pushing the ball till you get a higher ball to attack.

Take a look at the tutorial in our "Playing Against" Series on Playing A Defensive Chopper.



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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 6 years ago


ALois, when there isa talk about playing against choppers...what do you think,is it a good strategy when I try to play at constant with slow,spinny loop,not relying on power,just shallowly brushing not only the ball,but the trajectory as well,trying to overrotate the chopper by constantly increasing the level of spin and bore the defender down?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

That tactic can be effective especially if they don't attack well.


D K Posted 6 years ago

Or when they are strictly separated BH = defense,FH = attack?

He Zhi Wen used similar strategy to defeat GIonis.
Although He relies on constant spin to longpips,so this is the difference.

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