Forehand Topspin Start and Finish position variation

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 10 years ago

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Asked 11 years ago

Hi PingSkills, i want to ask about the variation of the forehand topspin start and finish position

for the start position, is it depending on how high the ball ? higher ball mean higher start position and lower ball mean lower start position ?
why I asked this because i found that with different height of the ball and i keep the same start position, the ball will go out or go into the net

about the finish position, sometimes i see that people like to finish their position across the middle line of their body until the end so that the face is facing the upper arm rather than the hand or lower arm (just like when you've a good rally with the Italian and "The PingSkills Touch" video)

please for the answer ^^ thank you very much :D

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Frendy,

The start position can vary depending on the height and also the type of spin on the ball coming to you.

The finish position should not be across the middle line.  There are always exceptions, especially if you are playing a finishing shot.

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Thoughts on this question

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago

so if they play sidespin, what start position should i have ? (for right handed)

what do you mean about that finishing shot ? as we don't know they don't know if it'll finishing them

Arnaud N

Arnaud N Posted 10 years ago

I have seen a lot of players starting their forehand topspin stroke low below the table with the arm completely straight, then they bend the elbow during the stroke at point of contact with the ball to accelerate the ball and finish in the 90 degrees position like in the pingskills video. Is this a correct technique to have the arm straight in the starting position and is it something worth practicing and developing? (for me , it works best like Jeff does in the video, with the elbow already bent at the starting position)

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Arnaud,

They are both OK.  The straight arm will be able to generate more power as there is a bigger lever movement.  I think the bent arm will give you the feeling of more control.

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