Faster FH pace causing a more open face

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 10 years ago

John Bartolucci

John Bartolucci Asked 11 years ago

Hi PingSkills Folks,

Are there some drills to help keep the bat angle closed and maintain a good brushing motion during the faster FH rally?

Do you have a recommended method for taking some pace off the FH rally without resorting to a chop?

Thanks Guys.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi John,

Try to keep your hands relaxed.  This will absorb some of the spin.  As far as getting the angle right and the contact more brushing, this is something that will come with more training of the stroke and experience in adjusting the angles.

You can do some close to the table Forehand to forehand with you topspinning each ball rather than hitting it flat.

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John Bartolucci

John Bartolucci Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Alois!

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