Describing Waldner's Playing Style

Table Tennis Discussion

Last updated 8 years ago

Johnny Long

Johnny Long Asked 9 years ago

Hello! I recently started watching some Table Tennis matches on youtube, and I found the player Jan Ove Waldner quite fascinating. I also noticed his playing style, which seems to differ from a lot of the modern players nowadays...Thanks.

So, how would you describe Waldner's playing style? Blocker maybe?


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Johnny,

He was the master.  He was the best player to watch that I have seen.  It felt like he could do anything on any ball.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 9 years ago

Jan-Ove Waldner was an offensively focused allrounder,but he has seemingly no weakness

He was primarily a looper,very focused on the amount of spin and the placement. His shots were not much extremely powerful,but he could do it.

As a blocker,he was like an unbreakable wall,he took the blocking defense on its highest level.

But this is not all,he could easily turn the passive blocking into active counterhitting counterattack fully unleashed in his powerful smashes.

He was als a very capable player in the defense. He lobbed or used defensively focused loops very accurately.
At some exhibiton,he and Jorgen Persson,the second best player,nearly equal to Waldner,but more agressive and less deceptive,have shown the ability to play even the powerful chopping defense.

He seemed like he can see the future,like he can predict where and how the ball will come,and use the most suitable stroke with the most suitable placement.

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 8 years ago

He is the best player in the world and he is my icon.


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