Can't land my topspins

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 12 years ago

Darien Cheng

Darien Cheng Asked 12 years ago

On a few occasions i can land my topspins but most of the time it goes into the net or out the table and when i do its most of the time very weak and easy to counter can you help me. This goes with both backhand and forehand. Also when i return serves they always go too high or to low please help.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Darien,

It sounds like you just need to ficus on getting the technique correct first.  With good technique the ball will go on the table consistently.  Because the ball is going both long and short it probably means there is inconsistency with your stroke which is what happens to start with.

Keep practicing the stroke slowly and check that you are getting the technique correct focusing on the start and finish positions of your stroke.  Once you are confident with this you can start to speed the ball up a bit.

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