Brushing contact

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 7 years ago


VINCENZO DI TRANI Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I watched the video about FH topspin and I trained this stroke for some weeks. I know that the key is the brushing contact. But I would like to understand if I have to brush the side of the ball or the back of the ball. You will tell me that I have to brush the top of the ball but this action must be sideways to the ball or in front of the ball ? Thank you so much for your answers.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Vincenzo,

It is important to brush the back or top of the ball and not the side.  This will help you to generate pure topspin.  If you hit the side you will get some sidespin.  With pure topspin the ball will dip quicker and allow you to hit ht ball faster.  If you brush the side the sidespin will mean that the bat will tend to drift rather than dip.

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