Backhand Sidespin block

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 12 years ago

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Asked 12 years ago

Im sorry for asking the same question

i placed the wrong link for the video

@2:22 - 2:26

@2:33 - 2:36

during his rallies i notice him do something to the ball.  i dont get it but it seems like a counter can you explain what he did there and if its possible to show me how he did it 

Im sorry again for posting the wrong link in my earlier question

Thx Coach

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

HI Amekun,

He is putting sidespin on the backhand block.  It is a very difficult shot to play and not one I would recommend everyone to try.  Only once you have developed good control with your block then you can start to play shots like these.  As you can see it can be effective but you are also increasing your chances of making an error.

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AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Posted 12 years ago

thx coaxh

ill try and practice this 1 :)

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