Ask the Coach, on mobile device

Table Tennis Website

Last updated 7 years ago

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Asked 7 years ago

Hi team PS. I'm currently abroad and only have access via mobile but still want to enjoy the weekly emails and keep up-to-date with 'ask the coach'. The link to video responses does not deliver a video but merely the string of written responses/comments and the 'Ask the Coach' menu link returns only the 'recently updated' questions, not the previous menu of categories. Has something changed or am I just missing something? Cheers

Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Rufuss,

We are in the middle of a big transition for the website. We felt that a lot of the video responses were a little hidden in the ask the coach section of the website. We also felt that the tutorials were not organised as well as they could be. So we have created a new tutorials section where the videos are organised in a more logical way that allows a player to progress from one module to the next. As part of this we are moving the video responses from this forum into an appropriate place in the tutorials.

On the main ask the coach page, each question has a category, and if you click that category you can see all questions that have been asked under that category.

Sorry for the short term pain. I believe that the new structure will be much more beneficial in the long run. Let me know if you have any other questions about the format of the website.

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Thoughts on this question

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Jeff. I'll do some exploring and practice some patience :) since I can't practice strokes at the moment. Cheers.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

I have started putting them into the Tutorial section.  You will see some FAQ sections that you will be able to access now.


Manfred Posted 7 years ago

I like the new layout. 


Manfred Posted 7 years ago

Good work Jeff and Alois

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Manfred.  Jeff has put a lot of hours into the new site.  Glad you like it.

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Alois and Jeff.  A big effort and the new site looks really sharp.  It took me a bit of exploring on the mobile to get the gist of it but now it is easy to navigate and find everything.  Now I'm back home, I'm on the full site (desktop) and it looks really neat.  Great job.  Thanks.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Rufuss.

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