Must Learn Serves

Must Learn Serves


This module builds on the introduction to serving module and in it we teach you some more serves. Try out each one of them and then pick 2 or 3 that you particularly like to focus on.
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Tutorial Lessons

1 Pendulum Serve 18:51
2 Reverse Pendulum Serve 10:08
3 The Kicker Serve 3:17
4 Kick Serve Extra Tips 2:18
5 Backhand Serve 5:16
6 High Toss Serve 4:18
7 No Spin Serve 3:24
8 Punch Serve 2:19
9 Windshield Wiper Serve 3:00
10 Ma Lin Ghost Serve 2:13
11 Ma Lin Ghost Serve Bat Angle 1:41