Using varnish to a table tennis blade

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 9 years ago

jared yulo

jared yulo Asked 10 years ago

hi sir alois, is it OK to use ordinary varnish like plastic varnish or wood varnish and what benefits does it gives?? thank you..

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Jared,

I have seen players use wood varnish.  THe benefit is that the glue doesn’t peel off the wood when you take the rubber off.  However this was mainly used when players were changing rubbers each day with speed glue.  I don’t think it is so important today.

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Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 10 years ago

Hi there,

I asked myself the same question when I bought myself a nice new and a bit more pricy than usual blade, but I didn't do it because the outer plies of that blade are meant to be soft, so I didn't want to risk altering it's characteristics by adding a hard layer of varnish on top of it.


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