Playing at a different hall

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 7 years ago

eugene lu

eugene lu Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois,

I am currently training at 2 different clubs now. When I play at my usual club, I'm like a boss and can do anything I want. But when I play at the club in my school. My topspin are seemingly flatter and I cannot seem to keep the brush on the ball and make a lot of mistakes. This problem doesn't occur when I'm playing in my normal club. It shouldn't be the balls because they are very good quality balls. And I do not know whether it is the tables.

So what's the problem? And how can I overcome it?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Eugene,

It is hard to tell without seeing what is happening.  It may be something to do with the tables or it could be the type of shots that the players at school are playing.  It could be that they using poor quality bats that are not generating any topspin on the shots.

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Thoughts on this question

eugene lu

eugene lu Posted 7 years ago

No, we are all using our own bats. But I think the table are smaller and shorter. So how can I adapt to the table? 

Also I accidentally asked this question again so you can delete that question.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

You will probably find the tables are the same size but the hall size might be different which makes the tables looks smaller.

eugene lu

eugene lu Posted 7 years ago

There are table tennis tables with other sizes I think. So it maybe possible that the tables are smaller. But how should I adjust to these bad tables?

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